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Skinny to Muscular

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Strengthen your joints

While doing heavy lifts we should be careful whether the joints can handle the pressure of the weights we are lifting.         For that focusing on joint strength is as important as focusing on muscle gain and fat loss......       In many of cases showed that strong joints leads you to safer and faster...

Monday, December 30, 2013

Core strength

AT FIRST.... What is core....and what are the muscles involved in it....?      The term "CORE" in human body refers to middle back, lower back, abdomen and hip region. The considered major core muscles are..... pelvic floor muscles transversus abdominis multifidus Internal and external obliques Rectus abdominis Sacrospinalis Longissimus...

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Simple home workout routine

           The people who are really love to workout but due to their job, family situation, studies, and any other reason, they unable to do exercises to maintain their fitness goals.But from today it has became easier to maintain their fitness from home itself  with this simple home workout routine.Just...

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Customize your diet on budget

         Now its became easy that you can customize your own diet according to your needs.....          Here i help you to how to customize the diet in easy and simple ways.The main advantage here is you can make  your diet within budget.     STEPS TO FOLLOW Consume the...

Monday, December 09, 2013

Flat tummy with pineapple

Pineapple-Fruit            The pineapple Play a vital role in fat loss or flattening your tummy.By adding pineapple to our routine diet it really helps you in cutting off your belly fat soon.Pineapple is rich manganese which  increases the strengthening of bones.          ...

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Build your own gym-Part 2

How To Build Your Ultimate Home Gym: Part Two    If you've already broken free of big box gyms and built your own hardcore home training space, learn what equipment to add next—and how to build it!     Assuming you've already read part one of my "Build Your Ultimate Home Gym" series, your bases are covered: Your rack and bench...

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Build your own gym-Part 1

Go Big AND Stay Home: How To Build Your Ultimate Home Gym Sick of sissy commercial gyms and the gimmicks of the home workout industry? Build your own insane training space with these 5 pieces of essential equipment.        Home workout equipment is a billion-dollar industry, filled mostly with consumers who buy a Thigh Blaster,...

Monday, February 25, 2013

ARMageddon 2013: Forearms To The Forefront

Perform the following exercises rapid-fire, moving quickly from one to the next. Repeat for a total of three sets. I won't give specific rep ranges here because fatigue will come faster as you go. Perform each exercise to total or near failure. EXERCISE 1// THE WRIST ROLLER Start with the weight at the bottom and roll up the rope slack using...