Thursday, December 19, 2013

Simple home workout routine

           The people who are really love to workout but due to their job, family situation, studies, and any other reason, they unable to do exercises to maintain their fitness goals.But from today it has became easier to maintain their fitness from home itself  with this simple home workout routine.Just spent 20-25 mins per day for this total body basic home workout routine.

          The workout targets total parts of your body like chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, legs.

The workout split
I. Chest - push ups - 25 reps.
II. Back - Rope pulls - rep count to failure.
III. Triceps - close hand push ups or diamond push ups - 25 reps.
IV. Biceps - Rope curls - rep count to failure.
V. Shoulders - Upside down push ups - 30 reps.
VI. Legs - Free squats - rep count to failure.

Video Tutorial for Workout


CHEST: Instead of doing push ups with feet on floor, we can place it to an chair, wall, or any other things to maintain the flat or incline to workout the all parts of your chest muscles with variant movements.

BACK: For back you can change the position of your rope and change the angle of your legs according to rope placed.You can also use towel instead of  rope to increase your grip strength.

TRICEPS: For more resistance you can add weights to your to increase the tension to your triceps muscles.

Beginners can place knees down to the floor for more rep ranges.

BICEPS: To make it heavy you can change the position of your rope and change the angle of your legs according to rope placed.You can also use towel instead of  rope to increase your grip strength.In biceps you focus on the position of your hands or otherwise it will workout your back muscles.

SHOULDERS: In upside down push ups you can place your feet in table as shown in video in beginning, For advanced type you straighten your legs with wall support or suspend free in air.

LEGS:  you can add resistance to your workout by carrying weights in hands or by using resistance bands.

For more info of workouts and diet search through categories.

By maulaana akbar .

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