Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Strengthen your joints

While doing heavy lifts we should be careful whether the joints can handle the pressure of the weights we are lifting.

        For that focusing on joint strength is as important as focusing on muscle gain and fat loss......

      In many of cases showed that strong joints leads you to safer and faster results while doing workouts.So the strengthening of joints is also became vital now.

 Benefits of strengthening of joints

  • Good Control over the weights while training.
  • Prevents from the risk of injuries during workouts.
  • Helps in increasing the bone density.
  • Provides greater stamina, helps to workout for long time.
  • Improvement in overall performance.
  • Reduces body fat.
  • Get rid of insomnia. 

Tips for improving joint strength

    The basics exercises which really improves your joints strength are as follows.....

Note : While doing heavy lifts use wrist bands, knee and elbow bands for more resistance and protection of joints.

Foods Which helps in improving joints strength

   The calcium and vitamin D plays a vital role in joints strengthening. The regular intake of foods which are rich in calcium and vitamin D.

       For example milk contains more calcium, By adding milk to your regular diet helps in aiding weak bones.The stronger bones leads to stronger joints.

Calcium intake 

Children (1-3 years old)                   -    700 mg /per day.
Children (4-8 years old)                   -    1000 mg/per day.
Adolescent (9-18 years old)              -     1300 mg/per day.

Women younger than 51 and men up to age 70 should get 1,000 mg per day.
Women 51 to 70 should get 1,200 mg/day.
Women and men 71 and over should get 1,200 mg per day.

In fact sunlight is rich in Vitamin D. Have a walk on early morning sunlight helps in producing Vitamin D.

Vitamin D intake

0-1 year            -    400 IU/day
1-70 years    -    600 IU/day
Over 70 years    -    800 IU/day

Foods list
  • Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Supplements
  • Eggs
  • Greens
  • Beans
  • Fish
  • Fortified cereals
  • Oysters
  • Mushrooms
  • soy protein
  • tuna
  • salmon
  • orange juice
  • Oats
  • Cottage cheese
  • Almond
  • Broccoli

Follow the tips make your joints stronger.

by maulaana akbar

Monday, December 30, 2013

Core strength


What is core....and what are the muscles involved in it....?

     The term "CORE" in human body refers to middle back, lower back, abdomen and hip region.
The considered major core muscles are.....

  1. pelvic floor muscles
  2. transversus abdominis
  3. multifidus
  4. Internal and external obliques
  5. Rectus abdominis
  6. Sacrospinalis
  7. Longissimus thoracis
  8. Diaphragm
  9. Latissimus dorsi
  10. Gluteus maximus
  11. Trapezius.
Benefits of strengthening your core
  • Improvement in overall body performance.
  • Prevents from back pain.
  • Helps to maintain good torso.
  • Prevents from injuries while doing workouts.
  • Increases power and strength.
  • Improves the movement control.
  • Good balance and posture control.

  Now its simple to be stronger by strengthening your core.There is also an great advantage in strengthening of core is flat tummy.

   By doing core strength exercises simultaneously it also helps you fat loss soon.

The simple workouts for strengthening your "CORE"


2.Side plank

3.Suitcase carry



6.Overhead press

7.Bench press

8.V-sit hold


10.Swiss ball pushups

Sample Workout routine

Chest press - 3 x 15 
Over head shoulder press dumbbells - 3 x 20
Dead lift - 3 x 10
Squats - 3 x 12
Hanging leg raise - 3 x 25 
Standing twist - 1 x 100 (100 reps on each side)

Follow this from Monday to Friday. Add weights for more fast result.Do the motion controlled otherwise it leads to injury.

You can follow this routine or you can design it on your own.

By Maulaana akbar.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Simple home workout routine

           The people who are really love to workout but due to their job, family situation, studies, and any other reason, they unable to do exercises to maintain their fitness goals.But from today it has became easier to maintain their fitness from home itself  with this simple home workout routine.Just spent 20-25 mins per day for this total body basic home workout routine.

          The workout targets total parts of your body like chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, legs.

The workout split
I. Chest - push ups - 25 reps.
II. Back - Rope pulls - rep count to failure.
III. Triceps - close hand push ups or diamond push ups - 25 reps.
IV. Biceps - Rope curls - rep count to failure.
V. Shoulders - Upside down push ups - 30 reps.
VI. Legs - Free squats - rep count to failure.

Video Tutorial for Workout


CHEST: Instead of doing push ups with feet on floor, we can place it to an chair, wall, or any other things to maintain the flat or incline to workout the all parts of your chest muscles with variant movements.

BACK: For back you can change the position of your rope and change the angle of your legs according to rope placed.You can also use towel instead of  rope to increase your grip strength.

TRICEPS: For more resistance you can add weights to your to increase the tension to your triceps muscles.

Beginners can place knees down to the floor for more rep ranges.

BICEPS: To make it heavy you can change the position of your rope and change the angle of your legs according to rope placed.You can also use towel instead of  rope to increase your grip strength.In biceps you focus on the position of your hands or otherwise it will workout your back muscles.

SHOULDERS: In upside down push ups you can place your feet in table as shown in video in beginning, For advanced type you straighten your legs with wall support or suspend free in air.

LEGS:  you can add resistance to your workout by carrying weights in hands or by using resistance bands.

For more info of workouts and diet search through categories.

By maulaana akbar .

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Customize your diet on budget

         Now its became easy that you can customize your own diet according to your needs.....

         Here i help you to how to customize the diet in easy and simple ways.The main advantage here is you can make  your diet within budget.


  1. Consume the foods that regularly you used to have.
  2. Take a list of the foods that you had from morning to night.
  3. Calculate the calories that you gained from those foods.

 For example: Food list
                                                          1. Cup of oats - 500 calories.
                                                          2. One apple - 100 calories.
                                                          1. 200 gms of chicken - 350 calories.
                                                          2. 500 gms of veggies - 400 calories.
                                                         1. Cup of noodles - 400 calories.
                                                         2. Glass of milk - 200 calories.

                                                         Total calories per day = 1950 calories.

  Repeat this for three days and calculate the average of the calories that you gained.

      Average =  Day 1 total calories + Day 2 total calories + Day 3 total calories / 3.

 Your average calories for three days is approximately 2000 you can customize your diet according to your  goal like fat loss, muscle mass, lean mass ,ripped physique, Etc.,

Example diet for fat loss

Total calories need per day is 1850.
 After wake up:
                        1. 1 cup of green tea.

                       1.  200 gms of pineapple - 120 calories (approx)
                       2.  200 gms of apples - 130 calories (approx)
                       3.  100 gms of peanut (Boiled) - 550 calories (approx)

                       1.  100 gms of carrot (cooked or raw) - 50 calories  (approx)
                       2.  200 gms of  cabbage (cooked or raw) - 60 calories (approx)
                       3.  100 gms of broccoli (cooked or raw) -  60 calories (approx)
                       4.  100 gms of oats - 340 calories (approx)
                      1.  100 gms of beetroot (cooked or raw) - 100 calories (approx)
                      2.  100 gms of chicken breast (cooked without oil) - 250 calories (approx)

                     1.  100 gms egg (approx 4-5 eggs) - 160 calories (approx)
                     2.  100 gms of apple - 65 calories (approx)

likewise you can design your own diet chart for your goal.

by Maulaana akbar

Monday, December 09, 2013

Flat tummy with pineapple


           The pineapple Play a vital role in fat loss or flattening your tummy.By adding pineapple to our routine diet it really helps you in cutting off your belly fat soon.Pineapple is rich manganese which  increases the strengthening of bones.

                 The pineapple is good source of digestible dietary fibers.By having just 165-170 grams of pineapple a day it has value of 9% from total value of calories needed/per day.It is also a good source of bromelain enzyme, which is responsible in,

  • Improving our immune system.
  • For its anti-inflammatory capabilities.
  • Fight against diseases in both the viral and bacterial problems.
  • It really helps building healthy cardiovascular activity.
  • Promotes healthy digestion.
  • Helps in breakdown of protein.

      It also helps in recovery of problems like Anemia, growth related problems, improving eye sight, reduce the risk diabetes and good for gums.The pineapple has "Anti cancer properties" too.The raw pineapple increase fat loss and helps the body's natural detoxification.

Nutrition Facts:
Amount Per 100 grams=Calories 50
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 0.1 g---------------------------------0%
Saturated fat 0 g------------------------------ 0%
Polyunsaturated fat 0 g----------------------0%
Monounsaturated fat 0 g--------------------0%
Cholesterol 0 mg------------------------------0%
Sodium 1 mg-----------------------------------0%
Potassium 109 mg----------------------------3%
Total Carbohydrate 13 g-------------------4%
Dietary fiber 1.4 g---------------------------5%
Sugar 10 g
Protein 0.5 g---------------------------------1%
Vitamin A------------------------------------1%
Vitamin C----------------------------------79%
Iron -----------------------------------------1%
Vitamin D----------------------------------0%
Vitamin B-6--------------------------------5%
Vitamin B-12------------------------------0%

*Per cent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

Note:Choose the fruit which is well roped.Raw pineapple is good rather than cooked.

   Adding pineapple regularly to our diet it really helps in promoting weight loss soon.

By Maulaana akbar