Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Will smith

Will Smith's workout 

To go from the skinner 185 lb. actor to a 220 lb. boxer for Ali… Will Smith worked out 5 days a week for 6 hours a day which included lots of running (for endurance) and boxing training for the Ali movie but…

Will Smith mainly picked up his muscular frame from the weight training he did one year prior to the Ali movie and during that year his bench press went from 175 pounds to 365 pounds and…

You don't have to train 6 hours a day to get the same type of body Will Smith had in Ali because you must realize that… Most of Will Smith's grueling 6 hour a day workout regimen for Ali consisted of boxing technique training so…

How Will Smith dropped his body fat to a low 7.5% for I, Robot

       To regain the muscle he had lost After filming Ali & to also get an even more ripped (muscularly defined) body…

        Will Smith basically went back to his same 5 day a week training schedule which consisted of running 5 miles a day and…

         For the weight training routine he would focus on 1-to-2 body parts each day but…

       The main reason why Will Smith got a low 7.5% body fat was that he slowly cut his calories and he cut out junk food so…

How Will Smith lost 20 pounds for I am Legend

During an interview Will Smith said…

"I have a much easier time losing weight (for I am Legend) than putting weight on. Ali was fifty times harder trying to put weight on than to drop."

     The reason why it's easy for Will Smith to lose weight is because he has a very high metabolism from his training for Ali & I Robot so…

       Will Smith probably stopped all of his heavy lifting (which increases muscle mass & total body weight) and…
  • Instead of heavier lifting - he probably did lighter weights to maintain some muscular definition and to drop his 20 pounds rather easily…
  • He kept running 5 miles a day and as for his diet…
  • I don't think he really had to rely on a diet so much since his increased metabolism (mainly from the muscle he gained & his active lifestyle he picked up from Ali & I Robot) makes it okay for him to eat anything he wants and not worry about gaining weight but…
  • Will Smith could also go on a simple calorie cutting diet plan and lose weight at much faster rate than most people because of his very fast metabolism. so…

 Run 5 Miles a Day Six Days per Week, first thing in the morning (Will likes to listen to audio books during his runs)

  •  He Did His Weight Training Routine around 5 PM
  •  He Performed Weightlifting or Resistance Training Five Days per Week
  •  Will Smith Trained Two Body Parts per Workout
Back and Chest (Upper Body Push/Pull)
Quads and Hamstrings (Knee Dominant/Hip Dominant)
Biceps and Triceps
Shoulders and abs


4 sets of 10-15 repetitions of bench presses
5 sets of 10-15 repetitions of inclined dumbbell presses
3 sets of 10-15 repetitions of machine flys
5 sets of 20-30 repetitions push ups
Do 25 minutes on a cross trainer at about 65 percent of maximum output


3 sets of 20-30 repetitions skull crushers
3 sets of 20-30 repetitions triceps pull downs
3 sets of 20-30 repetitions triceps kick backs
3 sets of 20-30 repetitions of bench dips


3 sets of 10-12 repetitions of hammer curls
4 sets of 10-15 repetitions of dumbbell curls
4 sets of 20-25 repetitions of concentration curls

         For him workouts he also would do 3-4 sets of around 10 reps per exercise and with each set he would try to increase the weight.  For a good starting point I would find out your 1 rep maximum you can do for each exercise and go with 60%-80% of that weight for each exercise.
You can work only 4-5 hours a week to build a body like will smith but only exercise is not important for a good body. Your diet is the 2nd most important thing to build a body like him. So let us have a look on will smith’s diet chart.


              Will Smith follows a high protein, high carbohydrate diet which helps in maximizing muscle repair. Since he had to gain 30lbs for his role in Ali, hence he needed 6-8 small meals per day and supplement his diet with protein shakes and possibly creatine. He didn’t eliminate all of his carbohydrates (because your body needs them to survive and thrive) but he did focus on eating healthy sources of carbs instead of the processed junk.

             The extra muscle he started building increased his metabolism so he was already naturally burning a lot of fat but by zeroing in on his diet it made him that much leaner.

I was super impressed when I was doing research for this his workout routine and I couldn’t believe how focused and how much hard work he puts into everything he does.  No wonder he’s so successful and the best way I’ve found to create success is to model people who are really doing it.

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