Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Whey protein

What is Whey Protein and Where does it Come From?

           Whey protein is the ultimate source of protein! It's the highest quality of protein available. Whey protein is a rich source of branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), containing the highest known levels of any natural food source.

            Proteins are the building blocks in our body and are available in many forms in the food we eat. It is found in milk, soya, fish, egg and many more natural foods. But, if you want those tough looking extra muscles, whey protein supplements are a must to boost your muscle enhancement. They are taken from milk and are extremely good for post work out sessions. Whey protein can be easily absorbed into the blood and reach your muscle tissues within a few minutes since they are fast digesting.

             Ideally, it is best to have a scoop in the morning and also after a workout. After a good sleep in the night, the stomach is empty and the breakdown of muscles start. To stop this process, have one scoop of whey protein with your breakfast to kick start your metabolism. In the same manner after a workout the body is stressed and the whey protein repairs muscles and aids in recovery.

              Whey protein is one of 2 types of protein that comes from milk (the other being casein protein). It's made during the process of cow's milk being turned into cheese. When the milk is being turned into cheese, the whey protein is a by-product.

Do any Foods Contain Whey Protein?

       No foods contain actual whey protein. (edit: whey protein can be found in protein powders, protein bars and some drinks) However, many foods do contain high levels of protein. Here are the most common types of high protein foods:

  • Lean red meat (20% protein)
  • Chicken/turkey (20% protein)
  • Fish (20% protein)
  • Eggs (6-8% protein)
  • Cheese (10-30% protein, but high in fat)

What Types of Whey Protein are There?

            There are 2 major types of whey protein, whey protein concentrate and whey protein isolate. Whey protein concentrate is low in fat, has a highest biological value and is typically about 75% pure protein by weight. Whey protein isolate is whey in it's purest form. Isolates are processed to remove fat and lactose. Typically whey protein isolate is about 90%+ pure protein by weight.

            Whey protein supplements generally fall into 3 categories. Whey protein isolate, whey protein concentrate and whey protein blends. Whey protein concentrate powders are the cheapest, but have the highest levels of fat and lactose. Whey protein isolate powders have the most amount of protein per serving and literally zero carbs, lactose and fat. These are generally priced higher than concentrate. And finally, whey protein blends are the most popular of the whey protein powders. As the name suggests, these products combine whey protein isolate and concentrate to make a high quality product (with an awesome amino acid profile), at an affordable cost to the consumer.

Choosing the Right Whey Protein Supplement for You

         When it comes to choosing a whey protein supplement that's right for you there are two main things you need to take into consideration budget and quality. As stated above, there are 3 main types of whey protein available:

  1. Whey protein isolate - the most pure form of whey protein
  2. Whey protein concentrate - not as pure, slightly higher fat & lactose
  3. Whey protein blend - a mixture of isolate and concentrate

Benefits of whey protien

  • Increased lean muscle mass
  • Decreased recovery times and faster muscle repair
  • Reduced post-workout muscle breakdown
  • Increase metabolic rate
Does Whey Protein Have any Side Effects?

           There are no documented side effects provided a person does not have an allergy to dairy proteins or does not need to restrict dairy products for medical reasons. If you are allergic to dairy proteins please consult with a physician prior to consuming any type of whey protein.

Whey Protein - FAQ

Can I mix whey protein with other supplements?

           Yes of course. In fact, whey protein blends well with a whole host of supplements! A few examples are creatine, dextrose and glutamine. In fact, the uptake of protein can be improved by combining it with high GI carbohydrates. This produces an insulin spike that delivers nutrients to muscles faster than water or milk.

How much protein should I take?

          How much protein you need is completely dependent on your weight, exercise level and goals. No 2 people are the same. Bodybuilders generally consume between 1 and 2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight per day.

When is the best time to take whey protein?
           When you take whey protein depends on your goals. Whey protein is fast digesting, so it's ideal for when you need it quickly. The most common times whey is used is first thing in the morning, after sport or training and before exercise. Whey can also be mixed with casein protein and taken between meals as a meal replacement.

Will whey protein help me lose weight?

           Adding whey protein to the diet is a great way to jump-start a weight loss program. Whey protein is a key ingredient in numerous weight loss products and whey protein isolate (with no fat or carbohydrates) is often the preferred choice. Studies have found that individuals who combine diets with leucine rich protein foods, like whey protein, and exercise have more lean muscle tissue and they lose more body fat. As they lose fat their metabolic rate increases and they naturally burn more calories each day. Another way that whey protein helps manage weight is by promoting satiety, or a feeling of fullness.

What is better, whey or casein protein?

            Whey protein has the highest BV value, and is the richest source of BCAAs of any protein. This means it is far superior to any other type of protein for muscle building, weight loss and general health. Casein protein has its place though. Casein protein is absorbed much slower by the body (up to about 7 hours). This means it's ideal for a "night time" supplement, taken before bed. Bodybuilders and professional athletes have used casein for decades as a slow release protein to repair muscle tissue during sleep.

Is whey protein OK for vegetarians?

         Absolutely. Whey protein is an ideal protein source for vegetarians who include dairy products in their diet.

Is whey protein easy to digest?

        Whey protein is a soluble, very easy to digest protein. It quickly enters the body to provide the important essential amino acids needed to nourish muscles and other body tissues. This is one of the reasons it is a common ingredient in infant formula and protein supplements for medical use.

Can whey protein harm my kidneys?

         Bodybuilders frequently consume up to 500g of protein per day for months - even years. There is no scientific evidence that this high protein intake causes kidney problems. In other studies, animals with high protein intakes for more than half their lifetime showed no kidney damage1. High protein intake may be hazardous only for individuals with abnormal kidney function or kidney disease. For the disease-free individual, the most serious concern with high protein intake is dehydration, because it takes a lot of water to metabolize protein. This is avoided by drinking 8 or more 8 oz. glasses of water a day. A new study just looked at the effects of a high protein intake on markers of safety in 20 healthy resistance-trained males. The subjects were taking 1.3 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight ­ 3.6 times greater amount than that recommended by the RDI. After 28 days the researchers concluded that the daily high protein intake had no untoward or negative effects on the immune system, renal and hepatic function nor did it induce ketosis or dehydration, thus it appears safe for short term daily intake2.

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