Thursday, September 06, 2012

Taylor lautner


             Taylor Lautner became a household name after his appearance in Twilight, particularly after gaining 20lbs for his role in New Moon. Taylor was already in great shape from his training as a martial artist (he won the Junior World Karate Championship at age 12). This training allowed him to build a strong core and ripped set of abs. However, by necessity, he was forced to gain muscle mass for his role as Jacob Black in New Moon. The role required him to be a physical, menacing presence and at 5'10" 140lbs, he was not. Here is how he built the ideal body.

Taylor Lautner Workout Routine

          One aspect that Taylor's trainer incorporated was negative reps. He would load up a bar with 40% more weight than Taylor could normally lift 10 times. He would only perform the negative portion of the repetition for 2-3 sets of 5 reps every other week.

Taylor's abs are fantastic. He only trains them 3 days per week though to avoid overtraining. Just like any other muscle, abs need rest to grow. He tries to work his entire core to maintain a balanced look. His preferred exercises were leg raises, reverse crunches, and planks.

           Finally, Taylor took every 3rd day off from training and never trained more than 5 days per week to allow his body adequate time to recover. Of course he also incorporated a proper diet that focused on eating a surplus of calories to allow his muscles to grow.
  • Taylor Lautner starts his workout with a warm up, stretching and then running on the treadmill.
  • He used a lot of compound and weight training exercises which includes Squats, dips, pull-ups and lunges.
  • In order to create interest, he brings variation in his workout time to time.
  • His trainer made him to lift 40% more weight than he could normally lift in order to lift 10 complete reps per set.
  • His workout consist of 5 days a week varying from 1 – 2 hours in which each set consist of 8 – 12 reps.
  • Some of the exercises he followed for making 6 pack abs are Swiss ball pikes, Reverse crunches and hanging leg raises.
       Taylor’s workout consisted of some muscle building exercises for his whole body and some specific abs workouts for his core. Here’s his overall philosophy about working out.

Push Beyond Your Limits – Here’s where your workout partner comes in. For some workouts you want to lift more weight than you are used to, If you can normally bench 200 pounds, put 225 or 230 on the barbell and get used to feeling that amount of weight on your arms with your spotter right there. this will help you blast beyond your limitations.

Do Different Workouts – Don’t do the same things in your routine all the time. Your body won’t respond as well if you keep doing the same workouts all the time. If you change up your routine and use different weights, do different exercises, do more reps or do more sets, you will see your body respond and grow bigger.

Create Resistance- Don’t always use free weights! I know that sounds crazy to your purists, but there is a slight problem with free weights, they don’t always create enough resistance. When using free weights there are parts of your rep that become easier, but if you use a machine or have someone put a little tension on your dumbell or barbell, you will have constant tension during the entire swing of your rep.

Go Easy On The Cardio- Cardio is great at first to help burn some fat, but you never want to do cardio after an intense muscle building routine because it will lessen the effects of what you just did. Do cardio on different days than your muscle workouts.

Don’t Work Your Abs Too Much- This is a big secret. Most guys you see in the gym are working the crap out of their abs, but the fact is, your abs are only a small part of your entire muscle system. You should work all your muscle groups almost equally and that will take care of your abs.
  • Shoulders: Handstand pushups, Standing Press, Lat Raise.
  • Biceps: Dumbbell Curls, Barbell curls, and Chin ups.
  • Triceps: Triceps extensions, triceps bench dips, as well as triceps dips.
  • Back: that you can do pull-ups, wide pull-ups, and Lat pull down, Bent over rows.
  • Thighs: Lunges, Squats with lots of different variations.
  • Abs: Planks, Side Planks
Taylor Lautner Abs

So, what are the specific workouts that Taylor did for his abs? They’re listed below. I would go into how you do them but this post is getting long enough and you can Google them to see how they work.
  • Reverse Skye Crunches
  • Physio Ball Pikes
  • Hanging Leg Raises
  • Physio Ball Leg Curls
  • Cobra In The Prone Position
Taylor Lautner Diet Plan:

          Taylor Lautner followed a simple and healthy diet to develop muscles. His diet plan consist of high protein and low carbohydrates which is as follows:

 Proteins: Chicken Tuna, turky, protein shakes, cottage cheese and egg whites.

Carbohydrates: Whole grains, Yams and Oatmeals.

He consumes protein shake between his breakfast, lunch and dinner which are as follows:
  1. Breakfast: Egg whites, oatmeals and a glass of orange juice.
  2. Snack 1: Protein Bar.
  3. Lunch: Albacore tuna or chicken with veggies and brown rice.You can replace those with turkey or ground beef. 
  4. Snack 2: Protein Shake.
  5. Dinner: Grilled fish, brown rice, vegetables and salad

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