Friday, September 28, 2012

Hamstring stretch

90/90 Hamstring

  • Lie on your back, with one leg extended straight out.
  • With the other leg, bend the hip and knee to 90 degrees. You may brace your leg with your hands if necessary. This will be your starting position.
  • Extend your leg straight into the air, pausing briefly at the top. Return the leg to the starting position.
  • Repeat for 10-20 repetitions, and then switch to the other leg.

Front Leg Raises

  • Stand next to a chair or other support, holding on with one hand.
  • Swing your leg forward, keeping the leg straight. Continue with a downward swing, bringing the leg as far back as your flexibility allows. Repeat 5-10 times, and then switch legs.

Hamstring Stretch

  • Lie on your back with one leg extended above you, with the hip at ninety degrees. Keep the other leg flat on the floor.
  • Loop a belt, band, or rope over the ball of your foot. This will be your starting position.
  • Pull on the belt to create tension in the calves and hamstrings. Hold this stretch for 10-30 seconds, and repeat with the other leg.

Leg-Up Hamstring Stretch

  • Lie flat on your back, bend one knee, and put that foot flat on the floor to stabilize your spine.
  • Extend the other leg in the air. If you're tight, you wont be able to straighten it. That's okay. Extend the knee so that the sole of the lifted foot faces the ceiling (or as close as you can get it).
  • Slowly straighten the legs as much as possible and then pull the leg toward your nose. Switch sides.

Runner's Stretch

  • It's easiest to get into this stretch if you start standing up, put one leg behind you, and slowly lower your torso down to the floor.
  • Keep the front heel on the floor (if it lifts up, scoot your other leg further back).
  • Place your hands on either side of your front leg. To get more out of this stretch, push your butt up toward the ceiling, and then gradually lower it back toward the floor. You'll Stretch the hip flexor of the back leg and the hamstring and buttocks of the front.

Seated Floor Hamstring Stretch

  • Sit on a mat with your right leg extended in front of you and your left leg bent with your foot against your right inner thigh.
  • Lean forward from your hips and reach for your ankle until you feel a stretch in your hamstring. Hold for 15 seconds, then repeat for your other side.

Seated Hamstring

  • In a seated position with your legs extended, have your partner stand behind you. Now, lean forward as your partner braces your shoulders with their hands. This will be your starting position.
  • Attempt to push your torso back for 10-20 seconds, as your partner prevents any actual movement of your torso.
  • Now relax your muscles as your partner increases the stretch by gently pushing your torso forward for 10-20 seconds.

Split Squats

  • Being in a standing position. Jump into a split leg position, with one leg forward and one leg back, flexing the knees and lowering your hips slightly as you do so.
  • As you descend, immediately reverse direction, standing back up and jumping, reversing the position of your legs. Repeat 5-10 times on each leg.

Standing Toe Touches

  • Stand with some space in front and behind you.
  • Bend at the waist, keeping your legs straight, until you can relax and let your upper body hang down in front of you. Let your arms and hands hang down naturally. Hold for 10 to 20 seconds.

The Straddle

  • Begin in a seated, upright position. Start by extending your legs in front of you in a V.
  • With your hands on the floor, lean forward as far as possible. Hold for 10 to 20 seconds.

Upper Back-Leg Grab

  • While seated, bend forward to hug your thighs from underneath with both arms.
  • Keep your knees together and your legs extended out as you bring your chest down to your knees. You can also stretch your middle back by pulling your back away from your knees as your hugging them.

World's Greatest Stretch

  • This is a three-part stretch. Begin by lunging forward, with your front foot flat on the ground and on the toes of your back foot. With your knees bent, squat down until your knee is almost touching the ground. Keep your torso erect, and hold this position for 10-20 seconds.
  • Now, place the arm on the same side as your front leg on the ground, with the elbow next to the foot. Your other hand should be placed on the ground, parallel to your lead leg, to help support you during this portion of the stretch.
  • After 10-20 seconds, place your hands on either side of your front foot. Raise the toes of the front foot off of the ground, and straighten your leg. You may need to re-position your rear leg to do so. Hold for 10-20 seconds, and then repeat the entire sequence for the other side.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

glute stretches

Ankle On The Knee

  • From a lying position, bend your knees and keep your feet on the floor.
  • Place your ankle of one foot on your opposite knee.
  • Grasp the thigh or knee of the bottom leg and pull both of your legs into the chest. Relax your neck and shoulders. Hold for 10-20 seconds and then switch sides.

Knee Across The Body

  • Lie down on the floor with your right leg straight. Bend your left leg and lower it across your body, holding the knee down toward the floor with your right hand. (The knee doesn't need to touch the floor if you're tight.)
  • Place your left arm comfortably beside you and turn your head to the left. Imagine you have a weight tied to your tailbone. let your tailbone fall back toward the floor as your chest reaches in the opposite direction to stretch your lower back. Switch sides.

Lying Glute

  • Lie on your back with your partner kneeling beside you.
  • Flex the hip of one leg, raising it off of the floor. Rotate the leg so the foot is over the opposite hip, the lower leg perpendicular to your body. Your partner should hold the knee and ankle in place. This will be your starting position.
  • Attempt to push your leg towards your partner, who should be preventing any actual movement of the leg.
  • After 10-20 seconds, completely relax as your partner gently pushes the ankle and knee towards your chest. Be sure to inform your helper when the stretch is adequate to prevent injury or overstretching.

One Knee To Chest

  • Start off by lying on the floor.
  • Extend one leg straight and pull the other knee to your chest. Hold under the knee joint to protect the kneecap.
  • Gently tug that knee toward your nose.
  • Switch sides. This stretches the buttocks and lower back of the bent leg and the hip flexor of the straight leg.

Seated Glute

  • In a seated position with your knees bent, cross one ankle over the opposite knee. Your partner will stand behind you. Now, lean forward as your partner braces your shoulders with their hands. This will be your starting position.
  • Attempt to push your torso back for 10-20 seconds, as your partner prevents any actual movement of your torso.
  • Now relax your muscles as your partner increases the stretch by gently pushing your torso forward for 10-20 seconds.

chest stretches

Dynamic Chest Stretch

  • Stand with your hands together, arms extended directly in front of you. This will be your starting position.
  • Keeping your arms straight, quickly move your arms back as far as possible and back in again, similar to an exaggerated clapping motion. Repeat 5-10 times, increasing speed as you do so.

Elbows Back

  • Stand up straight.
  • Place both hands on your lower back, fingers pointing downward and elbows out.
  • Then gently pull your elbows back aiming to touch them together.

calf stretches

Ankle Circles

  • Use a sturdy object like a squat rack to hold yourself.
  • Lift the right leg in the air (just around 2 inches from the floor) and perform a circular motion with the big toe. Pretend that you are drawing a big circle with it. Tip: One circle equals 1 repetition. Breathe normally as you perform the movement.
  • When you are done with the right foot, then repeat with the left leg.

Calf Stretch Elbows Against Wall

  • Stand facing a wall from a couple feet away.
  • Lean against the wall, placing your weight on your forearms.
  • Attempt to keep your heels on the ground. Hold for 10-20 seconds. You may move further or closer the wall, making it more or less difficult, respectively.

Calf Stretch Hands Against Wall

  • Stand facing a wall from several feet away. Stagger your stance, placing one foot forward.
  • Lean forward and rest your hands on the wall, keeping your heel, hip and head in a straight line.
  • Attempt to keep your heel on the ground. Hold for 10-20 seconds and then switch sides.

Knee Circles

  • Stand with your legs together and hands by your waist.
  • Now move your knees in a circular motion as you breathe normally.
  • Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Seated Calf Stretch

  • Sit up straight on an exercise mat.
  • Bend one knee and put that foot on the floor to stabilize the torso.
  • Straighten your other leg and flex your ankle.
  • Using a band, towel, or your hand if you can reach, pull the toes toward you. Hold for 10 to 20 seconds, then switch sides.

Standing Gastrocnemius Calf Stretch

  • Place your right heel on a step with your knee extended and lean forward to grab your right toe with your right hand. Your left knee should be slightly bent and your back should be straight.
  • Support your weight on your left leg and place your left hand on your left thigh.
  • Pull your right toes toward your knee until you feel a stretch in your calf.

Standing Soleus And Achilles Stretch

  • Stand with your feet hip-distance apart, one foot slightly in front of the other.
  • Bend both knees, keeping your back heel on the floor. Switch sides.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Arm stretchings

Kneeling Forearm Stretch

  • Start by kneeling on a mat with your palms flat and your fingers pointing back toward your knees.
  • Slowly lean back keeping your palms flat on the floor until you feel a stretch in your wrists and forearms. Hold for 20-30 seconds.

Overhead Triceps

  • Sit upright on the floor with your partner behind you. Raise one arm straight up, and flex the elbow, attempting to touch your hand to your back. Your partner should hold your elbow and wrist. This will be your starting position.
  • Attempt to extend the arm straight into the air as your partner prevents you from doing actually doing so.
  • After 10-20 seconds, relax the arm and allow your partner to further stretch the triceps by applying gentle pressure to the wrist. Hold for 10-20 seconds, and then switch sides.

Seated Biceps

  • Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your partner standing behind you. Extend your arms straight behind you with your palms facing each other. Your partner will hold your wrists for you. This will be the starting position.
  • Attempt to flex your elbows, while your partner prevents any actual movement.
  • After 10-20 seconds, relax your arms while your partner gently pulls your wrists up to stretch your biceps. Be sure to let your partner know when the stretch is appropriate to prevent injury or overstretching.

Triceps Side Stretch

  • Bring right arm across your body and over your left shoulder, holding your elbow with your left hand, until you feel a stretch in your triceps. Then repeat for your other arm.

Triceps Stretch

  • Reach your hand behind your head, grasp your elbow and gently pull. Hold for 10 to 20 seconds, then switch sides.

Wrist Circles

  • Start by standing straight with your feet being shoulder width apart from each other. Elevate your arms to the side of you until they are fully extended and parallel to the floor at a height that is evenly aligned with your shoulders. Tip: Your torso and arms should form the letter "T: Your palms should be facing down. This is the starting position.
  • Keeping your entire body stationary except for the wrists, begin to rotate both wrists forward in a circular motion. Tip: Pretend that you are trying to draw circles by using your hands as the brush. Breathe normally as you perform this exercise.
  • Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Variation: You can hold small weights to add resistance.

Groin Stretches



  • Lie on your back with your feet raised towards the ceiling.
  • Have your partner hold your feet or ankles. Abduct your legs as far as you can. This will be your starting position.
  • Attempt to squeeze your legs together for 10 or more seconds, while your partner prevents you from doing so.
  • Now, relax the muscles in your legs as your partner pushes your feet apart, stretching as far as is comfortable for you. Be sure to let your partner know when the stretch is adequate to prevent overstretching or injury.

Groin and Back Stretch

  • Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet together.
  • Interlock your fingers behind your head. This will be your starting position.
  • Curl downwards, bringing your elbows to the inside of your thighs. After a brief pause, return to the starting position with your head up and your back straight. Repeat for 10-20 repetitions.


  • Begin in a pushup position on the floor. This will be your starting position.
  • Using both legs, jump forward landing with your feet next to your hands. Keep your head up as you do so.
  • Return to the starting position and immediately repeat the movement, continuing for 10-20 repetitions.

Side Leg Raises

  • Stand next to a chair, which you may hold onto as a support. Stand on one leg. This will be your starting position.
  • Keeping your leg straight, raise it as far out to the side as possible, and swing it back down, allowing it to cross the opposite leg.
  • Repeat this swinging motion 5-10 times, increasing the range of motion as you do so.

Side Lying Groin Stretch

  • Start off by lying on your right side and bend your right knee in front of you to stabilize the torso.
  • Rest your head on your right hand or shoulder. Lift your left leg upward and hold it by the back of the knee (easier) or the foot (harder).
  • Pull your left knee in toward your left shoulder and simultaneously press your foot or knee down to the floor. To intensify this stretch, straighten your left leg. Switch sides.


Abductors stretchings
Hip Circles (prone)

  • Position yourself on your hands and knees on the ground. Maintaining good posture, raise one bent knee off of the ground. This will be your starting position.
  • Keeping the knee in a bent position, rotate the femur in an arc, attempting to make a big circle with your knee.
  • Perform this slowly for a number of repetitions, and repeat on the other side.

Lying Crossover

  • Lie on your back with your legs extended.
  • Cross one leg over your body with the knee bent, attempting to touch the knee to the ground. Your partner should kneel beside you, holding your shoulder down with one hand and controlling the crossed leg with the other. this will be your starting position.
  • Attempt to raise the bent knee off of the ground as your partner prevents any actual movement.
  • After 10-20 seconds, relax the leg as your partner gently presses the knee towards the floor. Repeat with the other side.

Standing Hip Circles

  • Begin standing on one leg, holding to a vertical support.
  • Raise the unsupported knee to 90 degrees. This will be your starting position.
  • Open the hip as far as possible, attempting to make a big circle with your knee.
  • Perform this movement slowly for a number of repetitions, and repeat on the other side.


  • Lie on your back with your arms extended out to the sides and your legs straight. This will be your starting position.
  • Lift one leg and quickly cross it over your body, attempting to touch the ground near the opposite hand.
  • Return to the starting position, and repeat with the opposite leg. Continue to alternate for 10-20 repetitions.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

ab stretches

Abdominal stretches without equipments

Lower Back Curl

  • Lie on your stomach with your arms out to your sides. This will be your starting position.
  • Using your lower back muscles, extend your spine lifting your chest off of the ground. Do not use your arms to push yourself up. Keep your head up during the movement. Repeat for 10-20 repetitions.
Overhead Stretch

  • Standing straight up, lace your fingers together and open your palms to the ceiling. Keep your shoulders down as you extend your arms up.
  • To create a full torso stretch, pull your tailbone down and stabilize your torso as you do this. Stretch the muscles on both the front and the back of the torso.
Scissor Kick

  • To begin, lie down with your back pressed against the floor or on an exercise mat (optional). Your arms should be fully extended to the sides with your palms facing down. Note: The arms should be stationary the entire time.
  • With a slight bend at the knees, lift your legs up so that your heels are about 6 inches off the ground. This is the starting position.
  • Now lift your left leg up to about a 45 degree angle while your right leg is lowered until the heel is about 2-3 inches from the ground.
  • Switch movements by raising your right leg up and lowering your left leg. Remember to breathe while performing this exercise.
  • Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.
Variation: As you get more advanced, you can wear ankle weights for resistance.

Seated Overhead Stretch

  • Sit up straight on an exercise mat.
  • Touch the soles of your feet together with your feet six to eight inches in front of your hips.
  • Place one hand on the floor beside you and your other hand behind your head.
  • Lift your elbow to the ceiling as you incline your torso to the other side. Hold for 10 to 20 seconds, then switch sides.
Standing Lateral Stretch

  • Take a slightly wider than hip distance stance with your knees slightly bent.
  • Place your right hand on your right hip to support the spine.
  • Raise your left arm in a vertical line and place your left hand behind your head. Keep it there as you incline your torso to the right.
  • Keep your weight evenly distributed between both legs (don't lean into your left hip). Switch sides.
Stomach Vacuum

  • To begin, stand straight with your feet shoulder width apart from each other. Place your hands on your hips. This is the starting position.
  • Now slowly inhale as much air as possible and then start to exhale as much as possible while bringing your stomach in as much as possible and hold this position. Try to visualize your navel touching your backbone.
  • One isometric contraction is around 20 seconds. During the 20 second hold, try to breathe normally. Then inhale and bring your stomach back to the starting position.
  • Once you have practiced this exercise, try to perform this exercise for longer than 20 seconds. Tip: You can work your way up to 40-60 seconds.
  • Repeat for the recommended amount of sets.
Toe Touchers


  • To begin, lie down on the floor or an exercise mat with your back pressed against the floor. Your arms should be lying across your sides with the palms facing down.
  • Your legs should be touching each other. Slowly elevate your legs up in the air until they are almost perpendicular to the floor with a slight bend at the knees. Your feet should be parallel to the floor.
  • Move your arms so that they are fully extended at a 45 degree angle from the floor. This is the starting position.
  • While keeping your lower back pressed against the floor, slowly lift your torso and use your hands to try and touch your toes. Remember to exhale while perform this part of the exercise.
  • Slowly begin to lower your torso and arms back down to the starting position while inhaling. Remember to keep your arms straight out pointing towards your toes.
  • Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

10 Tips for guaranteed weight loss

Guaranteed weight loss techniques.....

Water Fastens Weight Loss

Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every day as it flushes toxins from the body thereby boosting the metabolism of the body. You can also have few glasses of green tea as it has anti oxidants, and helps towards reducing unwanted fat from the body.

Frequent Small Portioned Meals For Faster Weight Loss

Divide your meals into 5 to 6 small portions instead of having 3 large meals. By doing so, you tend to feel less hungry as the gap between meals is short. Also, digestion takes place at a faster pace and the metabolism speeds up as well.

Fruits & Vegetables for Healthier Weight Loss

Increasing the intake of fruits and vegetables is yet another useful tip to lose weight fast. These foods are packed with vital nutrients and vitamins that help in keeping your body in good health and shape.

Say NO to Fatty Foods

Decrease the intake of fatty foods such as full fat dairy products, deep fried foods, junk foods, aerated drinks, sugary foods, etc. if you have a good control over your food then it is of great help to get rid of excess fat from the body.

Regular Exercises for Faster Weight Loss

Exercising for duration of 30 minutes daily is another effective tip to keep your body in good shape. Some of the best exercises include walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, aerobics, etc.

Avoid Late Night Meals

No late night meal as your body needs minimum 2 hours for digestion. Therefore, avoid eating meals late night and switch to having early dinner. Also, meals consumed at night should be as light as possible.

Listen to Your Body

Always try to listen to your body especially during times when it says that it's full, stressed, hungry and tired. Understand the body signs and obey what your body tells you.

Fiber for Fast Weight Loss

Increase your fiber intake by choosing whole grains instead of refined grains. The main benefits of consuming fiber are that keeps you feeling full for a long time.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Hrithik Roshan workout routine

Hrithik Roshan workout for krrish 3

         Hrithik Roshan, heartthrob of Bollywood started his career with movie Kaho Na Pyaar Hai ,which went on be a super hit  and made Hrithik Roshan a household name.He had played different characters in his movies ranging from super thief in Dhoom 2 and superhero in Krrish.His Greek God like features and physique made him very popular among youngsters.Hrithik is gearing up for new installment of superhero movie  tittled Krrish 3.

           Hrithik Roshan is being prepared for a new look in his upcoming movie krrish 3 with Kris gethin .He has a good body Language and he his continuously exercising for his body fitness.

Advice on building muscles:

Do a lot of cardio exercises. They help build muscles and are good for the heart. Do a lot of cycling and treadmill as far as possible. This way, you will have your thighs and arms in a great shape. Do crunches for the stomach. I do about 500 a day, but even if you do 200 a day it is enough to give you a washboard stomach. Swim or go jogging if you can about two days a week, it gives your body flexibility. And do not over exercise.

Hrithik's Exercises
   But  He is not really hung-up on exercises like some other folk who are bent upon having  a body like his! Surprisingly, he does not work out daily. It is rather 4 or 5 days a week. He visits the gym at The Club, a popular gym at juhu. One hour each in the morning and evening is his exercise routine. He does work-outs that have emphasis on cardio. His shooting schedules may, however, come in the way.

No Let - Up at Any Time waste
    He is so particular about exercises that when he travels, he takes a set of his exercise equipment with him. He fixes the equipment anywhere to a flat surface with the help of a vacuum press and starts his routine of exercises for biceps and legs . He also takes good old dumb bells.

Hrithik's inspiration

Hrithik's Training program

Hrithik performed 20 minutes of cardio after breakfast and again after working out in the evening. He chose from among swimming, beach walking, running, Crossfit and various cardiovascular machines.

Day 1: Chest, Back and Calves

  1. Dumbbell Bench Press-3 warm up sets of 6-10 reps , 2 working sets of 6-10 reps
  2. Incline Dumbbell Flyes-2 sets of 8-10 reps
  3. Underhand Cable Pulldowns-1 warm up set of 8-10 reps , 3 working sets of 8-10 reps
  4. Bent Over Barbell Row-1 warm up set of 8-10 reps , 3 working sets of 10-12 reps
  5. Hyperextensions (Back Extensions)-1 warm up set of 10-12 reps , 2 working sets of 10-12 reps
  6. Seated Calf Raise-3 sets of 20 reps
  7. Standing Calf Raises-3 sets of 18-20 reps

Day 2: Legs

  1. Leg Press-4-5 warm up sets of 10-12 reps , 3 working sets of 10-12 reps
  2. Seated Leg Tucks-2 warm up sets of 15 reps , 3 working sets of 12-15 reps
  3. Lying Leg Curls-2 warm up sets of 15 reps, 3 working sets of 12-15 reps
  4. Leg Extensions-2 warm up sets of 15-20 reps, 2 working sets of 15-20 reps
  5. Hack Squat-2 warm up sets of 15-20 reps, 3 working sets of 20-30 reps

Day 3: Rest

Day 4: Shoulders, Abs and Calves

  1. Seated Barbell Military Press-2 warm up sets of 6-8 reps, 3 working sets of 6-8 reps
  2. Side Lateral Raise-1 warm up set of 12-15 reps, 3 working sets of 12-15 reps
  3. Upright Barbell Row-3 sets of 7 reps
  4. Reverse Flyes-7 sets of 12-15 reps
  5. Weighted Sit-Ups-3 sets of 15-20 reps
  6. Seated Calf Raise-3 sets of 20 reps
  7. Standing Calf Raises-3 sets of 18-20 repsw

Day 5: Arms

  1. Straight-Arm Dumbbell Pullover-2 sets of 10-12 reps
  2. Cable Rope Overhead Triceps Extension-3 sets of 10-12 reps
  3. Cable Lying Triceps Extension-3 sets of 10-12 reps
  4. Standing Dumbbell Triceps Extension-3 sets of 10-12 reps
  5. Straight-Arm Pulldown-7 sets of 10-15 reps
  6. Concentration Curls-2 warm up sets of 12-15 reps, 3 working sets of 12-15 reps
  7. Dumbbell Alternate Bicep Curl-2 warm up sets of 12-15 reps, 3 working sets of 12-15 reps
  8. Standing Biceps Cable Curl-3 sets of 15-20 reps

Cross fit workouts(Five times a week)

  1. Sandbag drills
  2. Power bag exercises
  3. TRX drills
  4. Kettlebell swings
  5. Bearcrawls
  6. Kick boxing
  7. Jacobs ladder drills
  8. T-bar anchorswings
  9. Shoulder press
  10. Cone drills
  11. Bungee sprints
  12. Sledge hammer drills(Tire)
  13. Plyometrics
  14. Tire flips


  • Protein Powder
  • Steak
  • Turkey
  • Fish
  • Egg whites
  • Brown rice
  • Oatmeal
  • Salads(For added fiber)
Hrithik Roshan Diet Tips
  • Completely cut down on oil. Not more than 2 teaspoons of oil in a day.
  • Cut down on sodium and absolutely no sugar.
  • Don’t fill the stomach more than 70% not complete 100%
  • Drink 8-10  glasses of water in one day
  • Take meal after 45 minutes of workout
  • Sleep at least one hour after the meal.

4 egg whites, 2 brown bread, a protein shake, nuts, corn flakes with milk, fruit platter.


2 roti, green vegetables, chicken breast, dal, caesar salad, fish platter Snack
Protein shake, egg white sandwich/fruit plate


6 egg whites, brown bread, ½ chicken or fish with stir fried vegetables
Caesar salad during workout

Hrithik's Supplement Schedule

      Hrithik's pre- and post-workout shakes were prepared with Myofusion, mixed with walnuts or oats in a SmartShaker. He also whipped up protein shakes on shoots when he didn't have time for a meal.

  1. Optimum Nutrition Glutamine
  2. Optimum Nutrition BCAA
  3. Gaspari Nutrition Anavite
  4. NOW Grape Seed Antioxidant
  5. NOW Omega-3
  6. NOW Liver Detoxifier
Before Cardio:
  1. Grenade Thermo Detonator
  1. Gaspari Nutrition SizeOn
  2. Optimum Nutrition BCAA
  3. Gaspari Nutrition Anavite
  4. Grenade Thermo Detonator
  5. NOW Grape Seed Antioxidant
  1. Gaspari Nutrition Myofusion
  2. GENR8 Vitargo S2
  3. Optimum Nutrition Creatine
  4. Optimum Nutrition Glutamine
  5. Optimum Nutrition BCAA
Before Bed:
  1. Optimum Nutrition ZMA
  2. Optimum Nutrition Casein
  3. Optimum Nutrition Glutamine
  4. Optimum Nutrition BCAA
  5. NOW Omega-3
  6. NOW Grape Seed Antioxidant
  7. NOW Liver Detoxifier