Saturday, August 25, 2012

B boy

B boy Muscle Training Exercise Guide


Ok first off, if you liked my other fitness guide then you will most definately like this one. If you didn't like my other guide, then I'm pretty sure you'll like this one now. I landed a job at a gym where personal trainers work and they hooked me up with a book that has a lot of the answers and corrections I've been looking for when it comes to fitness and weight training.

5 General Saftey Tips of Weight Training:

*Warm up before starting your workout
*Use proper posture
*Use proper form
*Breathe properly
*Stop immediately if you feel pain (besides muscle burning which is ordinary)

Exercise Order:

Upper Body Muscles
-Upper Back
-Lower Back

Lower Body Muscles
-Butt Muscles

Compound & Isolation Exercises

Compound: Activates more than one muscle group at a time.

Isolation: Isolates one muscle group, usually more intensely than a compound.

Note: Compound exercises should be done before isolation exercises, if you should choose to do both in one session.

Rep Amounts:

Bboys (beside Junior) don't need giant football-player muscles. Thus, the optimal kind of weight training for a bboy is moderate weight with high reps for muscle toning and strength, and for increased joint strength as well.

Try aiming for reps of 15 with a medium amount of weight

Joint Rotations & Warming Up

These should always be done before any type of exercise. Joint rotations lubricate your joints making them function more easily during exercise. Warming up increases your core temperature and blood flow to your muscles which increases flexibility and reduces the chance of getting hurt.

Joint Rotations - Move the joint in a slow, circular rotation, both clockwise and counter-clockwise for about 10-20 seconds each.

Include (in this order): 


Warming Up - After doing your joint rotations, do about 5-15 minutes of cardio exercise. My favorite warm ups are jumping jacks. Jump rope, going for a light jog, and using an Exercycle/treadmill if you have access to one are also great exercises for warming up. 

Last-second notes before we start

+Go through the full range of motion
+Don't cheat with bad form or posture
+Use slow and controlled movements for maximum effectiveness

Upper Body Muscles Exercises

For the exercises that are compatible with barbells and dumbbells, I'll give the info links for both. This does not mean you do both, lol, I just want to cater to people who may not have a barbell or may not have dumbbells.


Compound exercise

Bench Press w/ Barbell

Bench Press w/ Dumbbells

Isolation exercise

Peck Flyes (Dumbbells only)

Upper Back

Compound exercise

Bent Over Rows w/ Dumbbells

Bent Over Rows w/ Barbell


Compound exercise

Military Press w/ Dumbbells

Military Press w/ Barbell

Isolation exercise

Lateral Raises (Dumbbells only)


Isolation exercise

Triceps Extensions w/ Dumbbells

Triceps Extensions w/ Barbell


Isolation exercise

Hammer Curls w/ Dumbbells

Bicep Curls w/ EZ Bar/Barbell


Isolation exercise

Palms Down Wrist Curls w/ Dumbbells

Palms Down Wrist Curls w/ Barbell

Note: I do not agree with the part where he puts the dumbbell/barbell into his fingers in these palms-up wrist curls, just keep your grip on it like you did on the palms-down ones.

Isolation exercise

Palms Up Wrist Curls w/ Dumbbells

Palms Up Wrist Curls w/ Barbell

Lower Back

Note: They call them good mornings on the info site, but its a deadlift as far as I'm concerned.

Compound exercise

Deadlift w/ Barbell

Deadlift w/ Dumbbells
Lower Body Muscles Exercises
Butt Muscles
Isolation exercise

Single Dumbbell Squats (Dumbbells only)


Compound exercise

 Squats w/ Barbell

Squats w/ Dumbbells


Isolation exercise

 Lunges w/ Barbell

Lunges w/ Dumbbells


Isolation exercise

Calf Raises w/ Barbell

Calf Raises w/ Dumbbells

Abdominal Muscles Exercises

Work your abs every other day. Not every day, that's not necessary. And why exercise when its not necessary? "Its like a broken pencil, there's just no point."
Here's what you should do for abs, this video is the best:

However, after you're done with that I have a nice 'bonus' ab exercise:


Try to hold this for 30 seconds. After you can do that, go for 1 minute.

For more ab exercise refer previous post ABDOMINAL EXERCISE

Body Weight Exercises (Calisthenics)

Ok you bums, here it is, the section you all wanted so bad. I did not make any of these guides, mostly because better ones were made by way more distinguished people than me. So enjoy learning some great body weight exercises from the pros.

The Planche Progressions

You will use the same basic strength progression on all of the following exercises. Be sure to master one position in a progression before moving onto the next. Hold for sets of however many seconds you feel comfortable, while continuing to combine the time of your sets until you reach 60 seconds total time. The number of sets it takes to reach the 60 seconds combined total time is irrelevant. All that matters is that you accomplish 60 seconds of “quality work”. Once you can hold a position correctly for the entire 60 seconds in one set, it is time to move on to the next harder exercise and begin the training procedure all over again. Now there are some exceptions to this rule, but we will address them later as we come to them.

Frog Stand

       Begin this position by assuming a full squat and placing your hands on the ground directly in front of   your feet. By directly, I mean right next to your toes. Arrange yourself so that your knees are resting against your bent elbows. Now gradually lean forward taking your weight both unto your hands and also unto your knees by leaning them on your elbows. Using your knees on your elbows will allow your legs to help your shoulders bear the load of your bodyweight. As you continue leaning forward you will eventually be able to remove your feet completely from the floor and hold yourself up with only your hands on the floor and your knees on your elbows for support.

       Balance is also a key to this exercise. As you first begin to learn how to lean forward in this position, you will often probably overextend and fall forward. Don’t worry have fun with it and enjoy some new training. Some pillows placed in front of you will help to cushion any crash landings.

    Notice that this is the only static position in our progressions with bent elbows. Continue holding sets of this position until you have reached your one minute total time.

Tuck Planche

       The main difference between the frog stand and the tuck planche is that now your weight will be entirely supported on your arms only. Once again begin in a full squat and place your hands next to your toes. Now, as in the frog stand, lean forward taking all of your weight on your arms and shoulders alone. Do not use your knees on your elbows for assistance. Holding the knees tightly to the chest will make this exercise easier.

      At first you may only be able to briefly raise off the ground. Do not worry. Keep adding small sets together to reach your goal of 60 seconds total. Simply continue working the position, striving to lift your hips to shoulder high. With consistent practice it is possible to increase your strength in static positions relatively quickly.

Advanced Tuck Planche

        Once you feel comfortable with the tuck planche and are able to hold it for 60 seconds with correct hips and elbows, you can increase the difficulty of this exercise by progressing on to the Advanced Tuck Planche. The primary difference between the tuck and advanced tuck planche is the position of the back.

 Note that in the tuck planche the back is curved, while in the advanced tuck planche the back appears flat. While holding your hips shoulder high, try to extend your hips back behind you until your back is flat. This “flattening” will greatly increase the intensity of the tuck planche. In fact, I think you will be extremely surprised at how much harder such a small movement can make the tuck planche.

     Continue working this position, until you are once again able to hold the static for 60 seconds correctly in a single set with your back completely straight (“flat”).

Straddle Planche

        Once you have mastered the advanced tuck planche position you are ready to work on the straddle planche. Finally! After months of hard consistent work the end is now in sight. While learning this skill, it is also beneficial to practice the next progression (the tuck planche push-up) at the same time. One will build upon the other.

       From the advanced tuck planche position, simply begin to extend your knees behind you from their position on your chest. Balance is critical here. As you extend your legs farther behind, you will also have to lean a little farther forward to compensate. The wider your legs are the easier the straddle planche will be.

        This movement is so much more difficult, that it is not necessary to be able to hold it for 60 seconds before moving on. Once you can hold a straddle planche correctly for 10 seconds you will be able to move on. I know, I know . . . only 10 seconds! But trust me, it will feel like much longer while you are doing it.
(Note: for those of you planning for the future, as you get stronger in the straddle planche you can increase the difficulty by bringing your legs closer together).

Planche Pushups 

Tuck Planche Pushups - By the time you begin working straddle planches, you will have achieved a reasonable amount of static strength and are ready to begin adding a dynamic movement to your static hold. The description of a tuck planche push-up is fairly straightforward; while in an advanced tuck planche position, simply attempt to perform a pushup. To receive the full benefit, be sure (or at least try!) to maintain the hips level with the shoulders during the descent and ascent of this movement. Don’t forget to fully straighten the elbows at the to of the movement. Reps and sets are completely up to you.

Straddle Planch Pushups - Once you have learned both the straddle planche and tuck planche push-ups, you are now strong enough to tackle straddle planche push-ups. You could consider the planche pushup a super bench press or a full body press. In addition to working the triceps, chest and front delts, you also have a full contraction of the lats, middle back and lower back as well as the traps. The triceps and the forearms are also working hard stabilizing the elbow joint. Core strength is extremely taxed as the upper and lower abs, obliques, serratus and hip flexors all struggle to maintain the stretched (body) position.

      From the straddle planche, begin to lower yourself to the ground. Be careful to keep the hips level with the shoulders as you descend, as there is a tendency when first learning this skill to simply try to dip the shoulders forward. Pause just off the ground and extend back up to the straddle planche. Also be aware that as you rise from the bottom position, it will be quite a struggle to maintain your hips level with your shoulders.

      Ok, that's all for planches. I know this guy's guide made them sound reasonably easy, but they aren't! Be patient with your progression, that's the best advice I can give.


[Guide To Dynamic, Static Passive, & Static Active Flexibility]

      Here's the deal. Stretching not only helps improve and maintain flexibility - which is extremely useful for bboying - it also reduces joint stress, reduces muscle soreness, increases joint range of motion and increases your overall feeling of relaxation and well-being. Fact.

      Stretching should be done after lifting weights, not before. However, you should stretch before and after bboying, because many moves in bboying require your body to stretch and go into strange positions, so having well-stretched muscles will help prevent injury while bboying.


       Do some light cardio if need be, because you DON'T want to stretch cold muscles.

Here's some general rules for the order you should do stretches in:
*Stretch your back (upper and lower) first
*Stretch your sides after stretching your back
*Stretch your buttocks before stretching your groin or your hamstrings
*Stretch your calves before stretching your hamstrings
*Stretch your arms before stretching your chest

Be sure to stretch these muscles:

-Groin (inner thigh)

Final Thoughts & Suggestions

        Basically its a (great) way to help your hands recover after the beating working out and bboying puts on them. 

~Train hard, but avoid overtraining. Know your limits.
~Drink PLENTY of water.
~Get enough rest (aim for 8 hours every night).
~Consume healthy food and drink.
~Stay in good cardio shape. Jog, jump rope, ride a bike, etc. a few times a week.
...and most importantly:

HAVE FUN. Work out with a friend, with your favorite music playing, etc. You should look forward to exercise, its fun and its healthy.................!

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