Sunday, July 22, 2012

Fore arms


PURPOSE OF EXERCISE:To develop the inside (flexor muscles) of the forearms.Heavy Barbell Curls make the forearms work very hard, but Wrist Curls allow you to more fully isolate these muscles.

EXECUTION:(1) Take hold of a barbell with an underhand grip, hands close together. Straddle a bench with your forearms resting on the bench but with your wrists and hands hanging over the end, elbows and wrists the same distance apart.Lock your knees in against your elbows to stabilize them.

(2) Bend your wrists and lower the weight toward the floor. When you can't lower the bar any farther, carefully open your fingers a little bit and let the weight roll down out of the palms of your hands.Roll the weight back up into your hands, contract the forearms, and lift the weight as high as you can without letting your forearms come'Up off the bench. Forearms, like calves, need a lot of stimulation to grow, so don't be afraid to make them really burn.


PURPOSE OF EXERCISE:To isolate and develop the forearms.This is a variation of Wrist Curls that allows you to isolate one forearm at a time.

EXECUTION:(1) Take hold of a dumbbell and sit on a bench. Lean forward and place your forearm on your thigh so that your wrist and the weight extend out over the knee, with your palm and the inside of your forearm facing upward. Bend forward, reach over with your free hand, and take hold of the elbow of the working arm to stabilize it. Bend your wrist and lower the weight as far as possible toward the floor, opening your fingers slightly to let the dumbbell roll down out of your palm.

(2)Close your fingers again and, keeping the effort in your wrist, rather than the biceps, curl the weight up as high as you can. Finish your repetitions, then repeat using the other wrist.


PURPOSE OF EXERCISE:To develop the flexor muscles of the forearm. This is a real power exercise for the forearm flexors, and you can go for the heaviest possible weight.

EXECUTION:(1) Back up to a barbell rack and grasp a bar. Lift it off the rack and hold it down at arm's length behind you, hands about shoulder width apart, palms facing toward the rear.

(2) Keeping your arms steady, open your fingers and let the bar roll down out of your palms. Close

your fingers, roll the bar back up into your hands, and then lift it up and back behind you as far as possible, flexing your forearms. Make sure only the wrist moves in this exercise.


PURPOSE OF EXERCISE:To develop the outside (extensor muscles) of the forearms.

EXECUTION:(1) Grasp a barbell with an overhand grip, hands about 10 inches apart. Lay your
forearms on top of your thighs or acrosspreacher bench so that they are parallel to the floor and your wrists and hands are free and unsupported.Bend your wrists forward and lower the bar as far as you can.

(2) Then bring the wrists back up and lift the bar as far as possible, trying not to let the forearms move during the exercise.This movement can also be done with your forearms on top of your thighs.


Reverse Curls work the forearm extensors.Using dumbbells, you ensure that each side of the body will work up to its own capacity, with no help from the other.


PURPOSE OF EXERCISE:To develop the biceps, the forearm extensors, and the brachio radialis.

EXECUTION:(1) Grasp a barbell with an overhand grip, hands about shoulder width apart. Let the bar hang down at arm's length in front of you.

(2) Keeping your elbows fixed in position at your sides, curl the bar upward, beginning the movement with a curling motion of the wrist. (3) Bring the bar up to a position just under the chin, contract the biceps as fully as possible on top, then lower the weight slowly back down to the starting position.


PURPOSE OF EXERCISE:To develop the biceps and forearm extensors.

EXECUTION:(1) Position yourself with your arms extended over a preacher bench. Grasp a barbell
with an overhand grip, hands about shoulder width apart. Let the bar hang so that your arms are fully 

(2) Curl the bar upward, beginning the movement with a curling motion of the wrist, and bring it up as far as possible toward your chin.Your position on the bench should be such that, at the top of the movement, your forearms have not come up completely to a perpendicular angle. From the top of the movement, lower the weight slowly back down to the starting position.


PURPOSE OF EXERCISE:To develop the forearm extensors.This movement works the forearm muscles all the way to their origin at the elbow. In addition to flexing the wrist, you lift the forearm.
Although machines are designed with limited functions, a little thought and imagination will allow you to get the maximum benefit from their use.By reversing your grip on a Curl machine, you can perform very strict Reverse Curls.

EXECUTION:(1) Grasp the handle on a Curl machine in an overhand grip. Place your elbows firmly on the pad.

(2) Starting at full extension, lift the handle up and toward your head as far as it will go. Lower the weight again slowly and under control until you have returned to a position of full extension.

PURPOSE OF EXERCISE:To isolate and develop the forearm extensors.Using one arm at a time with cables, you get constant, full-range-of motion resistance that doesn't vary with position as much as when you use dumbbells. This makes this exercise an excellent specialized one for overcoming weak points in the forearm extensors, especially if one arm is bigger than the other.

EXECUTION:(1) Using a floor-level pulley, grasp a handle with one hand, using a palms-down grip. 

(2) Concentrating on keeping your elbow completely still as a pivot point, curl the back of your hand up as far as possible toward your shoulder. At the top of the movement, lower your hand again, resisting all the way down. Finish your set with one arm, then repeat with the other.

by Arnold Schwarzenegger Encyclopedia Of Modern Bodybuilding.

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