Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Shoulder exercises


PURPOSE OF EXERCISE:To develop the front and side heads of the deltoids.This is the very best deltoid exercise I know, and I always include it in my shoulder routine. By using dumbbells in this manner-lowering them well down in front-you get a tremendous range of motion.

EXECUTION:(1) In a standing position, elbows at sides, grasp one dumbbell in each hand and
raise the weights to your shoulders, palms turned toward you.

(2) In one smooth motion, press the weights up overhead-not quite to the point where they are locked out-and at the same time rotate your hands, thumbs turning inward, so that your palms face forward at the top of the movement.

(3) Hold here for a moment, then reverse the movement, lowering the weights and rotating your hands back to the starting position. Don't get so concerned with pressing the weight overhead that you begin to sway and cheat; this movement should be done strictly, keeping the dumbbells fully under control.By not locking the arms out when you press
the weight overhead, you keep the stress on the deltoids the whole time. This exercise is half Lateral Raise and half Dumbbell Press, and works both the anterior and medial heads of the deltoids thoroughly.


PURPOSE OF EXERCISE:To train the front and side deltoids. Any pressing movement involves the triceps as well.

EXECUTION: You can do these Presses standing, but I prefer doing them sitting. since it makes the movement stricter.(1) Either lift the barbell overhead and set it down on your shoulders behind your head or lift it off the rack of a seated press bench. (I personally prefer to hold the bar thumb less grip.)

(2) Press the weight straight up and then lower it again keeping it under control and your elbows as far back as possible during the movement.


PURPOSE OF EXERCISE:To train the front and side deltoids. This exercise may seem to be similar to Barbell Presses of various kinds, but there are important differences, the most significant being the greater range of motion you get using the dumbbells.

EXECUTION:(1)Hold one dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height, elbows out to the sides, palms facing forward.

(2) Lift the dumbbells straight up until they touch at the top, then lower them again as far as possible.
You will find that you are able to both raise and lower the dumbbells farther than you can a barbell, although the need to control two weights independently means that you are lifting slightly less poundage.


PURPOSE OF EXERCISE:To train the front and side deltoids. This is the granddaddy of shoulder exercises. When done from a seated position the movement will be stricter than when standing.

EXECUTION:(1) From a sitting or standing position, grasp a barbell with an overhand grip and hold it at shoulder level, palms underneath for support, hands outside your shoulders, elbows tucked in and under.

(2) From a position about even with the collarbone, lift the bar straight up overhead until your arms are locked out, being careful to keep the weight balanced and under control. Lower the weight back to the starting position.


PURPOSE OF EXERCISE:To train the front and side deltoids and build total body density and power.Cleaning a weight is a method of lifting a barbell from the floor to the starting position of the Military Press. The Clean and Press is an important exercise that starts off with a lot of leg movement to get the weight moving, then involves the traps, arms, and back as well as the 
shoulders to help you develop a truly Herculean look.

EXECUTION:(1) Squat down, lean forward, and take hold of the bar with an overhand grip, hands about shoulder width apart.

(2)Driving with the legs, lift the bar straight up to about shoulder height, then tuck the elbows 
in and under to support the weight in the starting position of the 
Military Press.

(3) Then, using your shoulders and arms, press the weight up overhead, bring it back down to shoulder height, then reverse the cleaning motion by bending your knees and setting the weight back onto the floor.


PURPOSE OF EXERCISE:To train front and side deltoids.Doing Presses on a machine helps you do the movements very strictly, and allows you to avoid cleaning a weight if you have some sort of physical problem. Also, you can let the weight come down much lower, which gives you extra stretch in your front delts. There are any number of machines on which you can do a Shoulder Press movement-Cybex, Nautilus, Hammer Strength, or Universal, to name a few-but the principle remains the same.

EXECUTION:(1) Grasp the bar or handles at shoulder level and

(2) press upward until your arms are locked out, then come back down slowly to the starting position, going through the longest range of motion possible. You can also use machines to do Front Presses or Behind-the-Neck Presses;both will work the front and side deltoids.


PURPOSE OF EXERCISE:To use a heavier than normal weight, or to continue to do repetitions of shoulder presses after reaching a point of failure;to develop additional deltoid strength.This is a Cheating Principle exercise. You can use it in power training to lift a barbell that you would normally find too heavy to use for strict Shoulder Presses. You can also use the Push Press to do forced reps at the end of a set, when you are too tired to continue to do strict Shoulder Press reps.

EXECUTION:(1) Taking hold of a barbell with an overhand grip, hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart, clean the weight up to shoulder height.

(2) Bend your knees slightly and then press up with your legs to get the bar moving. Use this additional impetus to press the bar up overhead.Lock it out, then slowly lower once more to shoulder position.


PURPOSE OF EXERCISE:To develop the outside head of the deltoid, with secondary benefit to the front and rear heads.

EXECUTION(1:) Take a dumbbell in each hand, bend forward slightly, and bring the weights together in front of you at arm's length. Start each repetition from a dead stop to keep yourself from swinging the weight up.

(2) Lift the weights out and up to either side, turning your wrists slightly (as if pouring water out of a pitcher) so that the rear of the dumbbell is higher than the front.

(3) Lift the weights to a point slightly higher than your shoulders, then lower them slowly,resisting all the way down. (A common mistake with this movement is to rock back and forth and swing the weights up instead of lifting them with the deltoids. Doing this cuts down on the effectiveness of the movement and should be avoided.)

VARIATION:You may have a tendency to cheat a little when doing Standing Lateral Raises-this can be avoided if the same exercise is done in a seated position.


PURPOSE OF EXERCISE:To work the outside head of the deltoid and, to a lesser degree, benefit the front and rear heads. Doing One-Arm Laterals with a cable and floor pulley gives you two advantages: It allows you to isolate first one side of the body, then the other; and the cable provides constant tension unaffected by your motion relative to the pull of gravity.

EXECUTION:(1) Grab the handle and stand with your arm down and 
across your body, your free hand on your hip.

(2) With a steady motion, pull outward and upward, keeping the angle in your elbow constant throughout the movement, until your hand is just slightly higher than your shoulder. Twist your wrist as you raise your arm as if you were pouring a pitcher of water. Do your reps with one hand, then an equal number with the other. Don't lift the weight by raising up with your body-use the deltoids.

VARIATION:Try doing the movement with the cable running behind your back instead of in front.

If you have a weak point in the rear delts, bending your torso forward slightly while doing Cable Laterals works this area in addition to the side delts.


PURPOSE OF EXERCISE:To focus the work on the side delt head. This movement, which was a favorite of Sergio Oliva's, helps bring out definition in the shoulders, and works the rear and front heads as well.

EXECUTION:(1) Stand upright, with your arm down beside you, holding on to a handle attached to a floor-level pulley. Place your other hand on your hip.

(2) Keeping your arm straight, lift it up in an arc in one smooth motion until it is higher than your head. Lower your arm back to your thigh. Finish your repetitions, then repeat using the other arm.


PURPOSE OF EXERCISE:To develop the rear deltoids by isolating and flexing the rear deltoid when reaching the top position of the Cable Lateral movement.

EXECUTION:(1)Sitting on a stool or low bench, take hold of a handle attached to a floor-level pulley in such a way that your arm is fully extended across the front of your body.

(2) Keeping your body as still as possible, pull the handle across and up until your arm is fully extended to the side at about shoulder height.

(3) At the top of the movement flex your rear deltoid to get a really full contraction.Lower the weight back to the starting position. Finish your repetitions, then repeat with the other arm.


PURPOSE OF EXERCISE:To develop the side and rear deltoids.This exercise, a favorite of British bodybuilders, also helps develop the traps.

EXECUTION:(1) Take a dumbbell in each hand, then extend your arms straight out to either side, palms turned up.

(2) Slowly lift your arms up and bring them together over your head. Your arms do not have to be locked out on top. Keep your body steady during the entire movement. From the top, lower the dumbbells slowly down to the starting position.


Various machines have been developed that attempt to duplicate the lateral movement of the deltoids yet do not put any appreciable stress on the wrists, elbows, or upper arms. When using these machines, either with one arm at a time or both together, concentrate on feeling the deltoids lift the arm from a position at your side all the way up through the entire range of motion of the machine and then back down again under control resisting the pull of gravity from the weight stack at all times.


PURPOSE OF EXERCISE:To develop the front head of the deltoids.This exercise not only works the front head of the deltoids through its entire range of motion, but also involves the traps during the top of the movement. It can be done either standing or sitting.

EXECUTION:Stand with a dumbbell in each hand.

(1) Lift one weight out and up in a wide arc until it is higher than the top of your head.

(2) Lower the weight under control while simultaneously lifting the other weight, so that both arms are in motion at the same time and the dumbbells pass each other at a point in front of your face. In order to 
work the front head of the deltoids directly, make certain that the dumbbells pass in front of your face rather than out to the side. To do this same movement with a barbell, grasp the bar with an overhand grip, let it hang down at arm's length in front of you, and with arms kept locked, lift it to a point just higher than your head, staying as strict as possible, then lower it again under control.

VARIATION:Do Front Raises in a seated position for a stricter movement, since you can't use your body to cheat on the lifts.


PURPOSE OF EXERCISE:To isolate and work the rear head of the deltoids.By bending over while executing a Lateral, you force the posterior head of the deltoids to work more directly. Doing them seated allows you to do a stricter movement than when standing.

EXECUTION:(1) Sit on the end of a bench, knees together, and take a dumbbell in each hand. Bend forward from the waist and bring the dumbbells together behind your calves. Turn your hands so that your palms face one another.

(2) Keeping your body steady, lift the weights out to either side, turning your wrists so that the thumbs are lower than the little fingers. Be careful not to lift up your body as you lift the weights. With your arms just slightly bent, lift the dumbbells to a point just higher than your head, then, keeping your knees together, lower them again slowly to behind your calves, resisting all the way down. Try not to cheat doing this exercise. And be sure you are lifting straight out to either side; the tendency doing this exercise is to let the weights drift back behind your shoulders.


PURPOSE OF EXERCISE:To develop the rear deltoids.

EXECUTION:(1) Stand with a dumbbell in each hand. Bend forward from the waist 45 degrees or more, letting the dumbbells hang at arm's length below you, palms facing each other.

(2) Without raising your body, lift the weights out to either side of your head, turning your wrists so that the thumb ends up lower than the little finger.(Don't allow your arms to drift back behind your shoulders.)Lower the weights again under control, resisting all the way down.


PURPOSE OF EXERCISE: To workthe rear head of the deltoids.By using cables, you get a 

slightly longer range of motion with continuous resistance throughout the movement. This 
is one of Franco Columbus  favorite  rear deltoid exercises.

EXECUTION:(1) Using two floor level pulleys, take a handle in each hand with your arms 
crossed in front of your body (left hand holding right-side cable, right hand the left-side cable).Keeping your back straight, bend over until your torso is about parallel to the floor.

(2) With a smooth pull, and arms nearly straight, draw the handles across your body and extend your arms straight out to either side, turning your wrists slightly, thumbs down, as if pouring a pitcher of water. Stretch as far as possible, then release and let your arms come back slowly across your body as far as they can.


PURPOSE OF EXERCISE:To work the rear and side deltoids.This exercise was often recommended by 
France's Serge Nubret, and will work wonders for both your rear and side deltoids. It should be done only with a moderate weight and performed very strictly.

EXECUTION:Preferably, you should use an abdominal board set at an angle. You can do the movement without a board, but it shortens the range of motion.

(1) Lie on your side, with your head raised. Holding a dumbbell in one hand, lower it
almost to the floor.

(2) Then raise it up all the way over your head, keeping your arm straight. Remember to twist your hand slightly while lifting, turning the thumb down, to further contract the rear deltoid. When you have done the reps with one arm, turn over and do an equal number for the other side.


PURPOSE OF EXERCISE:To develop the trapezius and the front deltoids and create separation between deltoids and pectorals.

EXECUTION:(1) Stand grasping a barbell with an overhand grip, hands 8 to 10 inches apart.Let the bar hang straight down in front of you.

(2)Lift it straight up, keeping it close to your body, until the bar just about touches your chin. Keep your back straight and feel the traps contract as you do the movement. Your whole shoulder girdle should rise as you lift the weight. From the top, lower it once more under control to the starting position.
         This is an exercise that you should do strictly, not cheating or swinging the weight up keeping your body still, and making sure that you feel the traps working as well as the biceps and front delts. (You can substitute a short bar and cable for the barbell and use capable Upright Rows as a variation. The constant resistance of the cable helps you do the movement strictly as possible.)


PURPOSE OF EXERCISE:A heavy cheating movement for advanced bodybuilders to strengthen the entire shoulder girdle and upper back.

EXECUTION:(1) Choose a heavy barbell and grasp it with an overhand grip, hands about 12 inches apart.Let the bar hang down at arm's length in front of you.

(2) Lift the bar straight up to a point just below your chin, allowing yourself to cheat by swaying with the back, pushing with the legs, and even helping with the calves. As you lift, keep your elbows out and up higher than the bar. Then lower the bar back to the starting position. Remember, this is a power movement in which cheating plays a vital part.This makes Heavy Upright Rows quite a different exercise from standard Upright Rows, which must be done very strictly.


PURPOSE OF EXERCISE:To develop the trapezius muscles.This exercise can be done extremely heavy to thicken the traps, which really helps you in doing back poses.

EXECUTION:Stand upright, arms at sides, a heavy dumbbell in each hand. Raise your shoulders up as high as you can, as if trying to touch them to your ears. Hold at the top for a moment, then release and return to the starting position. Try not to move anything but your shoulders.


PURPOSE OF EXERCISE:To develop the trapezius muscles.

EXECUTION:Stand upright, holding a barbell at arm's length in front of you, using an overhand grip. Raise your shoulders as high as you can, as if trying to touch them to your ears. Hold in this position for a moment, 
then lower the bar, under control, back to the starting position.
          You can sometimes find Shrug machines in a gym and can also use a variety of Bench Press machines to do Shrugs as well. To get really heavy, try to position a barbell on a low support using a Squat rack, which lets you handle very heavy poundages without having to expend energy lifting the bar off the floor.

by Arnold Schwarzenegger Encyclopedia Of Modern Bodybuilding